The goal of the Swimming Pool and Spa Association™ is to improve the quality and accessibility of worldwide aquatic training programs.
Welcome To SPSA™
The Swimming Pool and Spa Association is an educational association in partnership with and with the full support and backing of both the American Lifeguard Association and Global Lifeguards, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. These organizations combined make up one of the largest worldwide aquatic consortiums that have trained over 250,000 individuals since 1990. The Swimming Pool and Spa Association™ has gained the right to offer the American Lifeguard Association Swimming Pool Operator training programs to the general public worldwide at over 1,000 locations in over 75 countries and 450 cities.

Online Group Booking
Make online group reservations 24/7
Prior to making your first reservation you will need to email us at and request the password to get access to the reservation system.
Registration Form
To expedite the registration process and cut down on possible wait times, please bring the filled out Swimming Pool and Spa Association registration form with you to your testing session.
On-Site Testing
So we may help you further, please send us a short message to our e-mail address at We will need your name, and contact information such as your address, phone number and e-mail address. Let us know how we may help you.